Pine Level, Jan. 6—Mr. Floyd C. Price made a business trip to Raleigh Thursday.
Miss Louise Braswell has just returned from Chadbourn, where she spent the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Fitzgerald and family visited relatives in Princeton Sunday afternoon.
Miss Faye Oliver leaves today for Rocky Point, where she will resume her work teaching.
Miss Mildred Perkins of Selma visited the city Sunday.
Rev. J.J. Crocker spent the week end at Moltenville with Mr. A.C. Barefot [Barefoot?].
Miss Lula Munn, one of the Rosewood faculty, visited Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Woodard Sunday.
We are glad to note that the contractor and his force has returned to begin work on the new school building now under construction in our city.
Miss Norma Ramsey, one of our faculty, spent the week end visiting friends in Wilson’s Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Stout and family motored to Smithfield Sunday afternoon.
Rev. James Rose filled his regular appointment Sunday at the Baptist church, preaching a very able sermon.
Miss Ruth Philips, a former teacher in our school for two years, was recently married to Mr. Barnett Williams of Jacksonville, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Futrell and father, Mr. E.T. Futrell of near town, visited in town Sunday night.
Mr. Erwin Pittman spent the weekend with friends in Smithfield and Goldsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Pittman of Royall Section, visited at the home of Mr. Ed House Sunday.
Mr. Joseph Watson spent Sunday evening in Goldsboro with friends.
We are very sorry to say we have an epidemic of whooping cough in our town.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Woodard and family visited at Mr. Joseph Crocker’s near town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Britt of Goldsboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Britt.
Mrs. Jannie Peedin and family returned Friday from extended visit to Cheraw, S.C. Mr. Douglass Creech and Miss Lenna Greenwood motored to Smithfield Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Pike visited Mr. R.D. Daughtry near Smithfield Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Woodard of near town spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Crocker.
Dr. and Mrs. Orr of Smithfield called at Mrs. T. ? Britt’s Friday afternoon.
Mr. Major Rhodes of Newbern arrived Monday to begin work on the new school building.
Misses Lillie and Daisy Crocker, Messrs. J.H. Parker, and James Crocker attended the Box Party at Creech’s school Friday night. They reported a very nice time.
Mr. Alton White leaves today for Chapel Hill to take up his studies for the remainder of the term.
Miss Arah Hoke of Smithfield visited Miss Sarah Oliver Friday evening.
Miss Sarah Oliver left this afternoon for Raleigh where she will resume her studies at Meredith College.
Mr. F.O. Wiggs, who has been holding a position with Mr. D.P. Crocker for the past year, has purchased the stock of groceries formerly owned by Mr. N.M. Gurley. He will not only run a grocery store but also a beef market at the former store of Mr. N.M. Gurley.
Miss Ola May Smith of Selma spent the week end at Mr. J.F. Watson’s.
Mrs. R.E. Settle went to Smithfield on business Monday afternoon.
Mr. Milton Oneal of Selma and W.N. Hare of Wilson were visitors in town Sunday evening.
Misses Lois and Mabel Howell and Messrs. Alvin Brown and Willie Howell of Selma spent a short while in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Price spent last Sunday in Micro with their mother, Mrs. Cora Fitzgerald.
Miss Jessie Braswell entertained last Tuesday evening in honor of her birthday. The feature of the evening was games of various kinds, after which Miss Jessie served a fruit salad course. Those enjoying her hospitality were: Misses Annie Barbee, Lela Denning, Sarah Stallings, Connie Belle Kornegay, Messrs. James Crocker, Wallace Strickland, Robert Lee Fitzgerald, George Strickland, Elbert Massengill, Eugene Parkers, and Charles and Russell Britt.
Misses Annie and Flossie Stallings shopped in Goldsboro Monday.
Mr. J.I. Stallings and daughters, Misses Annie and Flossie, spent a short while in Selma Sunday.
Misses Clara Fitzgerald, Faye Oliver, and Messrs. Blanco Parker and James Woodard attended the show in Raleigh Tuesday night.
Miss Mildred Oliver has returned to Greensboro to take up her studies at N.C.C.W.
Misses Faye, Sarah and Mildred Oliver, Clara Fitzgerald and Messrs. Blanco Parker and Walter Baker motored to Raleigh Sunday afternoon.
Miss Johnnie Watson left Monday for Greenville, where she is in training.
Mrs. M.C. Davis returned Friday from an extended visit to Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Creech motored to Smithfield Thursday on business.
Miss Rachel Creech, who is home for the holidays, spent Thursday evening in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Futrell.
The Woman’s Missionary Society met Friday afternoon with Mrs. B.L. Strickland as leader. The meeting was very interesting, although mainly a business meeting. New officers and teachers were appointed, after which Mrs. Strickland served fruits and various candies. All enjoyed the afternoon very much.
Misses Johnnie Watson Inez Gerald, Marjorie Walker spent Saturday night with Miss Mildred Peedin near town.
Mr. W.A. Hightower, who has been spending a few days in town with his aunt, left this morning for his home in Washington, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Edwards of Goldsboro were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Starling Sunday.
Messrs. Leon Godwin and Marvin Adams spent Saturday evening at Miss Mildred Pedin’s. [Peedin’s?]
Misses Johnnie Watson, Mildred Peedin, Messrs. Alard Creech, Marvin Adams, accompanied Miss Flonnie Westbrook to her school at Live Oak Sunday night.
The Watch Party was thoroughly enjoyed by the young people on New Year’s Eve. They entertained with zest into the fun of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new.
Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Oliver of Fitzgerald section visited at Mr. J.F. Watson’s Sunday.
Master Floyd Watson entertained a few of his friends Monday evening from 7:30 to 9, celebrating his 15th birthday. After many fascinating games were played, the guests were served with delicious chocolate fudge and sea foam candies. Those enjoying Master Watson’s hospitality were: Misses Mary Pike, Cennie Belle Kornegay, Maude Starling, Marjorie Parker, and George Strickland, Williams Pike, Mervin White, Russell Britt and Elbert Massengill.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown of Smithfield were guests of Mrs. Kneel Price Sunday afternoon.
From page 2 of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, January 13, 1925
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