Friday, May 3, 2019

Nash County Cyclone Displaces Moses Bunn Family, May 3, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., May 3, 1919

Cyclone Visits Nash County. . . Wrecks House and Barns and Gives Occupants Free Air Ride

Rocky Mount, May 3—Cyclones are unusual in this section, but when they do come they play all kinds of peculiar tricks. A small-sized cyclone, which did its work well while it lasted, visited the Jesse Brake place in Nash county, seven miles from Rocky Mount yesterday afternoon. As a result of the visitation, a dwelling house, stables, pack-houses and a storage house were scattered for a considerable distance. News of the unusual happening was given today by Dr. M.R. Braswell, who owns the property damaged by the wind storm.

The remarkable thing about the cyclone was it blew Moses Bunn, a colored farm hand, his wife and four children out of the dwelling house and not one of the dusky sextette was hurt. The cyclone came unheralded, took parts of the house along with it, and Moses and his family unexpectedly found themselves on the outside before they knew what had happened, having been blown 10 or 12 feet. They hastily examined themselves, and found they were not worse off because of the hasty aerial journey, although their amazement knew no bounds. It was an unheard of thing in the annals of Moses and his family.

A mule and cow were in the stables at the time. Along came the cyclone and along went the stables, leaving the mule and cow to roam in which direction they desired. The roof was taken off a big tobacco barn, a pack-house was levelled to the ground, and a barn was transported for a considerable distance from its foundation, being badly shaken up by the trip.

The cyclone was the most remarkable thing that has occurred in that section of Nash county for a number of years. It seems to have struck the spot where Moses and his family lived, as no other signs of the windstorm would be found.

The damage will amount to over $1,000.

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