Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Items From Charlotte Area, Stateville, Aug. 11, 1921

Vicinity Items

After spending several weeks in the city, Mrs. Gordie Caldwell returned to her home last week in St. Louis, Mo.

The Young Women’s Missionary Society of Stonewall Church gave a straw ride to the river last Tuesday night.

You are invited to attend the Christian Endeavor Meeting at Stonewall Church every Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. The song service will be led by Mr. George James of the First Baptist Church.

The Charlotte District Endeavor Workers are planning a big time at the Jonesville Church at an early date.

Mr. Lee Gray thanks the good people of Maranda Presbyterian Church for a donation of $4 for our church, Jonasville Chapel. Their Children’s Day exercise was Sunday, July 17th. Rev. Knox, the pastor, preached a splendid sermon. This was followed by a very strong, practical address by Prof. I.D.L. Torrence. The children rendered a very fine program. A large crowd was present. Collection for the day was $48.74.

Mr. James H. Moore of East Stonewall Street spent a few days in Washington, D.C., visiting friends.

Mrs. Sarah Diamond left the city for Asheville, N.C., Tuesday morning to attend the Baptist Sunday School Convention.

Mrs. Arlena Black of Winston-Salem, N.C., is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. E.W. Quinn on South Myers Street.

Mrs. M.L. Newton and children, after spending five weeks in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Bailey, left for home, Orangeburg, S.C., Monday morning.

Mrs. Agnes Goode Hearn returned to the city Monday after a very pleasant vacation spent in Baltimore and New York.

Alexander Brothers, green grocerymen, have moved into their recently completed store building at 713 E. 9th St., where they are now in position to carry a considerably larger stock of goods for the accommodation of their rapidly increasing patronage.

Mrs. C.J. Baker of Birmingham, Alabama, is in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. Pethel at 500 N. Myers St.

Mr. James S. Stanback, Railway Postal Clerk, of Chester, S.C., passed through the city Monday enroute to New York.

Mr. John S. Lowery is remodeling his residence at 817 E. 7th St., converting the present structure into a handsome two-story dwelling.

Mrs. Jacob Thompson and children of 502 N. Myers St. returned to the city Thursday after a two-months absence delightfully spent at Toledo, Ohio.

The Charlotte Brance of the Negro Business League has been extremely fortunate in securing the services of Dr. D.C. Suggs of Livingstone College for a Heart to Heart Talk on Racial Cohesion and Negro Business in General, Monday night, Aug. 23rd, in the Y.W.C.A. rooms. The ublic is expected to be there in full force.

The Mecklenburg Investment Corporation is issuing stock for its new three story office building to be erected on the corner of third and Brevard Sts. The enterprise is worthy and we should all rally around this movement and make it go.

Mr. Palmer Boyd, formerly of Bessemer City, N.C., but a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, was in the city this past week as the guest of Prof. and Mrs. Stinson.

The Volunteer Class of Seventh Street Sunday School gave a lawn party at the home of Dr. R.L. Douglas, Biddle University, Monday night.

Miss Fannie Partee entertained a number of the Summer School Teachers and other friends, Thursday night. The guests spent a very pleasant evening.

Mrs. Harris of Athens, Ga., sister of Mrs. H.L. McCrorey, passed through the city Tuesday, August 9th.

Rev. J.W. Blake of Salisbury, N.C., is in the city conducting a meeting at Morning Glade for Rev. C.E. Norment.

Dr. S.D. Watkins and wife, P.E., H.L. Simmons and wife, and Mrs. M.L. Clinton returned to the city after spending a most pleasant time at the Connectional Council in New York, Wednesday morning, August 20th. While on this trip, Dr. S.D. Watkins, the Manager of Publication House, preached at Hackensack, N.J., and also received a standing order for the Sunday School Literature.

Miss Hattie Russell entertained Saturday night in honor of Miss Margaret Bampfield and Mr. Palmer Boyd. Miss Bampfield is the guest of the Misses Bampfield of this city.

The Misses Olivia and Grave Weddington have left the city on their vacation to New York City and other eastern points.

Mr. Nolan White of Atlanta, Ga., who has been teaching in Elizabeth City, was in the city last Thursday and Friday as the guest of Mr. Clinton Blake and Miss Kathryn Braton. He reports a very pleasant stay.

A bunch of the young social set were delightfully entertained on a moonlight straw ride, Tuesday night. They report a very pleasant evening.

Prof. Jones, teacher at the Slater Normal School, was in the city Monday night and Tuesday in the interest of the school.

Misses Nellie McKenzie and Cathrina Green, and Messrs. Sanders and John E. Watkins spent Sunday in Monroe, N.C., as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ancrum.

Mr. Clinton Blake, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Atlanta, Ga., has returned to the city after spending a very pleasant vacation.

Mr. J. Metz Rollins is in the city visiting friends. We hope for him a pleasant stay.

Misses Thelma and Edna Stinson entertained a number of their friends informally Thursday night. Several out of town visitors were present, and the guests enjoyed a delightful evening.


Prof. John Gamble is on the sick list this week.

Miss Rosie V. Tuckey and Miss Tunie King made a flying trip to Asheville, N.C.

Prof. Forshee has gone to Morehead City, N.C.

Rev. Smoot preached an able sermon Sunday afternoon at Shilo A.M.E. Zion Church.

Mr. Allen Kimbrough attended the Sunday School convention this week.

When in need of dry goods, notions, groceries, drugs, toilet preparations, you should visit your race store. Trade with your race and bank with your race if we expected to make a success.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 11, 1921 -=-

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