Saturday, April 2, 2022

Badin, Site of Aluminum Industry, to Gain Cotton Finishing Plant, April 2, 1922

Another Finishing Mill

The Cannon group of cotton mill operators, of Concord, are planning the erection of a large finishing plant for manufactured cotton, that establishment to be located at Badin, where there is ample electric power and plenty of available labor. The investment will call for a large amount of capital and it is all in sight for this new North Carolina development. Badin is the seat of the largest aluminum producing industry in America, and evidently the coming of the Cannon finishing plant is but the beginning of making Badin a manufacturing city. The power equipment at Badin and the advantages there for other industries than the making of aluminum were so well recognized that it meant only a matter of time that other industries would be attracted there the aluminum industry has again resumed operations, and it is a very large industrial enterprise itself. The next few years will find the city of Badin on the map.

From the editorial page of The Wilmington Morning Star, April 2,1922

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