Saturday, April 9, 2022

Elmhurst Dairy, Wilmington, Sold, April 9, 1922

Raleigh Men Purchase $20,000 Dairy Here

That the Wilmington territory is attracting dairymen from other sections is evidenced by the recent sale of the fine Elmhurst Dairy, owned by E. McL. Wilson, and located just to the eastward of Winter Park, to the Stanton brothers of Raleigh. The deal was negotiated through the real estate office of W.A. McGirt. It is understood that the consideration was in the neighborhood of $20,000.

C.H. Stanton, one of the new owners of the Elmhurst dairy, is a graduate of Clemson College, and is an expert in livestock and dairying. He will devote his entire time to the management and supervision of the diary which he and his brother have just purchased.

It is the intention of the new owners of Elmhurst to establish permanent pastures for grazing their cattle on the land which they have just purchased. They will also add many improvements to the dairy plant. The dairy is to be made as sanitary as possible.

From the Wilmington Star, Sunday, April 9, 1922.

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