Monday, April 4, 2022

John B. Fulford, Mrs. B.H. Manning Have Died, April 4, 1922


The news of the death of Mr. John H. Fulford of Washington was a shock to many Martin County people. Mr. Fulford died suddenly at his home Friday night. He went to bed in his usual health at 10 o’clock and was soon taken with a severe coughing attack. He told his wife that he had been afflicted with the same kind of cough the night before and that it soon wore off, but this time it grew worse and he died form it in an hour and a half. He was 51 years old and few men do more work in a life time than he accomplished in that 51 years.

It is remembered by our older people what an industrious, hard-working boy he was while serving as a salesman for the late M.S. Fulford and also after the death of his uncle he was active in the N.S. Fulford Hardware Establishment. Afterwards he became a member of the McKeel-Richardson Hardware Co., holding the position of vice-president and traveling salesman.

Mr. Fulford was an honest, truthful and clever man. He did a large business in this section and all his friends will miss him. He was born in Rocky Mount but had lived in Washington since he was 14 years old. He married Miss Buckman of Washington 20 years ago, and she with three children survive him. He was buried in Oakdale cemetery Sunday and the services were held at the Presbyterian church by his pastor, Rev. H.B. Searight.


Mrs. Brint H. Manning, after a long struggle with tuberculosis, died at her home in Griffins township Saturday noon. She left her home in Norfolk five years ago upon the advice of her physicians to come to the country for her health, she however, did not improve but gradually grew worse. The then spent a year in an Asheville sanitorium which also failed to give relief. After she returned her decline was steady and sure but was borne with wonderful fortitude and resignation to a Higher Spirit. Her condition was not thought seriously much worse until two days before her death.

She was the daughter of the late H.H. Hardison and Sarah J. Haridson of Jamesville and was 46 years old. She married Joseph E. Manning of Jamesville in February, 1907, and they made their home in Norfolk until five years ago. They had three children, who with her husband, are left. She leaves one brother, Wheeler Hardison whose home is in the State of Washington, and two sisters, Mrs. Lillie Borwn of Jamesville and Mrs. J.S. Stone of Norfolk.

Mrs. Manning taught school for several years before her marriage and has exerted all her influence and power for community interest throughout her life, not only an inspiration in her home, she was a leader among her friends and acquaintances. The funeral service was conducted by Mr. J.M. Perry of Robersonville and interment was in a family cemetery where a very large crowd of friends gathered to pay their last respects.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, Martin County, N.C., Tuesday, April 4, 1922

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