Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Prof. C.C. Zimmerman Explains Co-operative Marketing, April 12, 1922

Prof. Zimmerman Addressed the Farmers

On last Saturday Prof. C.C. Zimmerman of Raleigh addressed the largest crowd of farmers we have seen in Roxboro in quite awhile. He devoted the larger portion of his address in explaining the workings of the Co-operative Marketing and he made it plain to all. Prof. Zimmerman is professor of Economics in the A. and E. College [what is now N.C. State University in Raleigh], and his explanation was all that could have been desired. He explained how the plan was expected to work, how it was to be financed and the many advantages which would accrue to the farmer under its workings. He stated that the warehouses here had been tendered the Association and that there would not be any more of the old auction days.

At the conclusion of his address he called upon all in the audience who were members to hold up their hands, and it looed as if almost every one in the house—and the court house was literally packed, held up their hands. After the address the canvas set waited on the crowd and secured the signature of those who had not previously signed.

From the front page of The Roxboro Courier, Wednesday, April 12, 1922

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