Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Rev. Robertson's Obituary for Susan Minerva Dixon, April 12, 1922


Susan Minerva, wife of S.A. Dixon, was born near Roxboro, Person County, North Carolina, March 13, 1844. Died at her home near Clarksville, Johnson County, Jan. 22, 1922.

She was married to S.A. Dixon Jan. 13, 1866. To this union was born 10 children. Eight of whom preceded her in death and Samuel died the next week after his mother’s death, which leaves only one son, Brady, living.

She professed religion and joined the M.E. Church South as the early age of 13 years and lived a Christian life the remainder of her days.

She moved with her husband from North Carolina in 1880 and located near Clarksville, Ark., where they spent most of their lives.

Sister Dixon was a faithful Christian. She loved her church and she also loved people. She tried to attend all the services of the church until about four years before her death she became afflicted so that she could not attend as she always had. She was very faithful to the sick. Visiting them and caring for them when she was hardly able to do so.

She was faithful to her husband, children and home. Where would we be if it were not for faithful companions and mothers who will give their lives to make home what it ought to be.

I will say to the heartbroken husband, son, grandchildren, sister and friends to be faithful to the God she served and when your work in this life is done, you can meat her over yonder, where there is no more parting. Give thanks to Him that he let her stay so long with you. May you all submit to His will as he doeth all things well.

Her pastor,

R.A. Robertson

From The Roxboro Courier, Wednesday, April 12, 1922

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