Monday, April 11, 2022

Rob Lockiler Attacks Ex-Wife, April 10, 1922

Slipped In On Divorced Wife and Carved Her Up

Maxton, April 8—Rob Lockiler slipped into the room where his divorced wife, Ida Brewer, was sleeping and proceeded to carve her up. He cut her across both shoulders, above the eye, and one the side of the nose and nearly severed her index finger on her left hand. It was necessary to take several stitches in the numerous wounds. She is still in a serious condition.

About two years ago Rob Lockiler was granted a divorce from Ida Brewer, and immediately married again, but recently deserved his last wife. Rob Lockiler is a dangerous Indian. Some time ago he cut another man severely and escaped into South Carolina, just recently coming back to his old haunts.

From the front page of The Greensboro Patriot, published every Monday and Thursday, April 10, 1922

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