Friday, April 1, 2022

Society News From Charlotte by Miss Adelaide Pearson Caldwell, April 1, 1922

Society News

Miss Adelaide Pearson Caldwell, Social Editor, Phone 277

Dinner-Dance at Myers Park Club

The regular Saturday night dinner-dance will be given at Myers Park Club Saturday evening with dinner served from 7 to 9, after which dancing continues until midnight. Music will be furnished by the Merrymakers’ orchestra. These dances have been delightful weekly events in society throughout the Winter.


Interesting U.D.C. Meeting

A meeting of the Stonewall Jackson Chapter, U.D.C., is being held Saturday afternoon at the Woman’s Club, Mrs. L.B. Newell being hostess. The meeting is of exceptional interest owing to the fact that Mrs. T.W. Wilson of Gastonia, state president of the U.D.C., is the guest of the chapter and will make an address.


Mrs. Shaw Entertains

A charming hospitality of the Spring season was the buffet luncheon given Friday by Mrs. John D. Shaw at her home on Hermitage Road, Myers Park, complimenting Mrs. John R. Irwin and George W. Graham Sr., her new neighbors. Dr. and Mrs. Irwin moved to their new home on Hermitage Road this week, and Dr. and Mrs. Graham will move during the coming week.

Assisting Mrs. Shaw in entertaining were her mother, Mrs. Kate Thomas, and her sister, Mrs. W.I. Henderson. Mrs. Shaw’s lovely home was arranged with numerous vases full of yellow jonquils and violets. Elegant refreshments were served in buffet fashion.

Mrs. Shaw’s guests included:

Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Henry E. Thomas and sister, Mrs. G.W. Patterson, of Greensboro, Mrs. J.A. Fore, Mrs. A.M. Whisnant, Mrs. Walter Davidson, Miss Mamie Steele of Rockingham, Mrs. J.Q. Myers, Mrs. Paul Whitlock, Mrs. L.E. Crosland, Mrs. J.P. Little, Miss Bess Everett of Rockingham, Mrs Heriot Clarkson, Mrs. J. Rush Shull, Mrs. L.D. Thompson, Mrs. J. Arthur Henderson, Mrs. J.M. Jamison, Mrs. Charles L. Keerans, Mrs. James L. Keerans, Mrs. Charles W. Tillett Sr., Mrs. Thomas C. Guthrie, Mrs. Craighead Davidson, Mrs. James Kirkman.

Dr. and Mrs. Irwin moved last week to their new home on Queens Road, and Dr. and Mrs. Graham will move next week to their new home on Hermitage Court.


Dr. and Mrs. Faison Move

Dr. and Mrs. Yates W. Faison moved Saturday from their apartment in the Guthrey, which they have been occupying for several years, to the home which they recently purchased on Queens Road, Myers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Herndon, who made their home in the Guthrey, have moved into the apartment formerly occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Faison.


Chelidon Book Club Meets

The Chelidon Book Club held a very charming meeting at the home of Mrs. E.C. Dwelle on North College Street Friday afternoon. The subject of the study is South America. Miss Josephine Osborne read a paper, “Art and Architecture in South America,” and Mrs. W.M. Failor read a paper, “Beautiful Cities of South America.” At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday, April 1, 1922

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