Friday, April 8, 2022

Will Elizabeth City Women Take to Knickers? April 7, 1922

Elizabeth City Girls Shy at Knickers. . . But One Who Has Dared Says They Will All Come to It Another Seasons

Many Elizabeth City women looked longingly at a display of knickers at M. Leigh Sheep Company’s woman’s wear store this week, but none had the heart to buy. Mr. Sheep received several suits on consignment from a well known New York tailor, but sent them back after making only a half-hearted showing. So far as is known only one Elizabeth City girl has developed the courage to add a suit of knickers to her wardrobe and she hasn’t found the heart to make a public appearance in them as yet. Miss Lula White, head of the ladies’ suit department of M. Leigh Sheep Co. is the possessor of the one suit. Miss White is sure that women generally will take favorably to knickers as soon as the public recovers from the fist rude shock, and she expects to have lots of company before the summer is over. Miss White says many Elizabeth City women will take their first suits of knickers with them on their vacations to the mountains and seashore this summer and will get accustomed to their new habits away from the snickers and comments of unappreciative neighbors. Another season they will wear them openly among their neighbors. (Don’t put a ludicrous construction upon the sentence.)

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., April 7, 1922

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