Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Dixon Execution Stayed, Bush Execution Considered, Jackson and Burnett Executions to be Carried Out, Oct. 12, 1922

Governor Stays Death of Dixon

Sixty days was added to the life of Joe Dixon by executive order, when Governor Morrison gave the Craven county burglar a stay of sentence until December 10, and some slight foundation upon which to build a hope that execution may be replaced with a life sentence in the state prison. Dixon was to have been executed on Tuesday morning at 10:30.

Both Judge Frank A. Daniels, who sentenced Dixon to death, and the solicitor who prosecuted him, have recommended to the governor that he be extended clemency, but this the governor has not fully made up his mind to do. Dixon was caught red-handed and wounded by a 14-year-old boy as he was burglarizing a residence in New Bern last spring. August 10 was set originally as the date of his execution.

Reprieve for Dixon and the perfection of an appeal to the supreme court on behalf of John Bush, member of a prominent white family in Caldwell county sentenced to death for murder Friday morning of next week reduced the number who will die between Tuesday and Friday to two. Joe Jackson will be electrocuted for burglary on Friday and McIver Burnett for rape on Thursday morning.

From the front page of the Washington Progress, Thursday, Oct. 12, 1922

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