Saturday, October 8, 2022

L.L. Tilley Assaulted When He Went to Help Patch Tire, Oct. 8, 1922

Is Victim of Men He Would Assist

Durham, Oct. 7—With his left wrist broken and a nasty skull wound on the right side of his head, L.L. Tilley, prominent local attorney, was brought to the Watts hospital tonight in a semi-conscious condition. He is believed to have been the victim of an assault by transient automobile highwaymen.

Tilley told physicians that he alighted from his automobile eight miles north of Durham on the Oxford road to render assistance to two autoists, who requested tire patching. He remembered nothing further until an hour later when he regained consciousness at a point 50 yards distant from his car.

From the front page of The Winston-Salem Journal, Sunday, Oct. 8, 1922

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