Sunday, October 16, 2022

Personals From Salisbury Evening Post, Oct. 16, 1922


Mr. C.D. Rose, business manager of the Evening Post, has returned from an extensive tour of the west. While in California, he entered his son, Milton Rose, in Stanford University. Mr. Rose stopped over at numerous places of interest while en route home.

Eva Hauser, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hauser of North Main Street, who was operated on several weeks ago for appendicitis and who was in a very critical condition for a time, is now on the road to recovery and is able to sit up a short time each day. She is at the Salisbury hospital and will be there some days yet.

Mr. Marvil L. Smoot of Fayetteville is here on a short visit to his brother, Mr. A.L. Smoot. Dr. Smoot is an old Rowan boy who has many friends here who are always glad to see him.

Little Richard McKenzie, son of Mrs. Ruth B. McKenzie of Washington, D.C., who has spent the last six weeks with his aunt, Miss Edith McKenzie, 813 South Fulton Street, returned home with his mother Sunday. His mother arrived in the city Sunday to accompany her son home.

Mrs. W.M. Hester of Charlotte spent the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. W.W. Smith, on Salisbury Avenue.

Mr. E.P. Lyons of the Evening Post linotype force, went to Raleigh today to spend several days taking in the state fair. Misses Eva Peeler and Reilia Foil spent yesterday in Newton, where they attended, as delegates, a district meeting of the Luther League. Miss Peeler was among those making addresses.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boyd of Concord spent a short time in the city this morning, Mrs. Boyd coming here to consult a specialist for some ear trouble.

Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Allen and little daughter, Sarah, who have been visiting Mrs. McCubbin’s parents on South Main Street left this morning for Eustes, Florida, where they will be located about nine months or a year.

Henry Lentz Jr. left last night for Jacksonville, Fla., where he joined Mrs. Lentz, who has been visiting there for several weeks. Before returning home they will visit Palm Beach and other places of interest.

Miss Margaret Mungo spent the week-end in Charlotte with relatives.

Mrs. Henry Dalton of Raleigh is the charming guest of her sisters, Mrs. C.F. Massey and Mrs. J.B. Hill.

Mrs. R.L. May has had as her guests for the week-end her sister, Miss Grace Ballentine of Charlotte, and her brother, Mr. E.C. Ballentine of Badin.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Gregory leave Wednesday for Raleigh, where they will be among the distinguished guests present at the large reception given by Governor Morrison on Wednesday evening. They will be house guests of the governor at the executive mansion while in Raleigh.

From the Salisbury Evening Post, Monday, Oct. 16, 1922

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