Saturday, October 1, 2022

Southern Power Company Installing New Steam Plants, Oct. 1, 1922

Southern Power to Install Additions. . . Two Steam Plant Additions Representing 60,000 Horsepower, to be Constructed

Charlotte—Sept. 30—The construction of two steam plant additions that will further provide against contingencies of low water and other emergencies will e started at once by he Southern Power company, according to an announcement of W.S. Lee, vice-president and chief engineer, this afternoon. Contracts have been closed and work will begin at once.

The additions are to the Mount Holly steam plat 40,000 horsepower, the total new generating capacity being 60,000 horsepower. This will more than double the capacity of existing steam plants and will assure for the industries, cities and towns in the two Carolinas which depend upon this company for power as nearly 100 per cent service as modern engineering practices and capital investments can make it.

Since the construction work began, the demand for power in all parts of the territory served by the company has been very active so that months before the plants will be put in commission the company has been compelled to withdraw from the power market.

From the front page of the Greensboro Daily News, October 1, 1922.

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