Friday, November 4, 2022

Elks Lodge Invites Prominent Guests, Nov. 4, 1922

Prominent Elks to be Guests of Local Lodge in Near Future

The local lodge of Elks hopes to have in the near future, as their guests, two Grand Lodge officers—J. Edgar Masters, Grand Exaulted Ruler, of Charlerol, Pa., and P.J. Brecannon, Grand Treasurer, of Dennison, Texas. The local lodge wants to show these prominent Elks some old-time Southern hospitality and at the same time convince them that Fayetteville has a real live lodge of Elks.

These prominent Elks will be at Greensboro in a few days, and a committee of the local lodge will wait on them at Greensboro and invite them to attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge at Atlanta.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, Nov. 4, 1922

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