Thursday, November 10, 2022

Shopping in Southern Pines, N.C., Nov. 10, 1922

Mrs. Myra L. Winner reminds you that Christmas is in six weeks. She’ll help you with gifts costing from 50 cents to $6. If you want to shop with her, write or phone for an appointment.

Pick up staple and fancy groceries at Economy Market.

E.J. Swindell for plumbing and heating, and Tobin’s Auto Express.

If you want to hire an automobile, phone the Perkins Café.

Stop by the Pine Cone Tea House in Pine Bluff for a good meal.

Get your portrait taken at Eddy’s studio.

Buy a storage battery at The Electric Shop in Pinehurst.

Buy an Reo Speed Wagon from J.D. Davis at Andrews Garage.

Buy your Victrola now at Hayes’ in Southern Pines.

From The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Nov. 10, 1922.

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