Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Waynesville High Football Team Ready to Play Christ School, Nov. 11, 1922

Waynesville High Football Team

The Waynesville High School Football Team will meet a worthy opponent in Christ School from Arden on Armistice Day at 3:30 at the Waynesville baseball park.

Our football team has played three games this season and lost them all. However in the last game the fellows displayed a fighting game that will count against their next opponent. A touchdown was made in the last game that sent the spirit of the team soaring. If that game had only lasted longer the result may have been different. At the blow of the whistle the ball was in Waynesville’s possession and that team was advancing the ball at every down. The boys imbued with such a spirit are ready to tackle Harvard, Yale of Princeton.

Come out Saturday and see a real battle between Waynesville and Christ school.

From the front page of The Carolina Mountaineer, Waynesville, N.C., Nov. 9, 1922

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