Friday, January 13, 2023

County Agent Grover Falls Arranging to Have Cow Herds Tested for TB, Jan. 13, 1923

Farmers Anxious to Have Cows Tested. . . Many Have Responded, and Mr. Falls Hopes to Hear from the Others at Once

The farmers of Pasquotank County are responding to the invitation of County Agent Grover W. Falls to have their cows tested for tuberculosis.

“Seventy-seven have been booked and routes will be arranged prior to the arrival of the State Veterinarian in order that a large number can be visited in one day, and to prevent repetition of travel,” says Mr. Falls.

“I am sure the owners would not be willing to submit their families or any other families to this disease knowingly and this test will satisfy the users that they are getting milk from a herd free from this dreadful disease.

“Information was received during the week from Dr. Wm. Moore that a dating would be given some time in the near future, and efforts will be made to complete arrangements prior to his coming. Therefore, if there are others that have neglected reporting their number of cows, it should not be delayed.”

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., January 13, 1923

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