Sunday, January 15, 2023

'Cyclone Mack' Holding Revival Meeting at Badin, Beginning Jan. 14, 1923

Cyclone Mack Is to Hold Meeting at Badin

Badin, Jan. 10—It is said that arrangements have been made for the beginning of a revival meeting at Badin on Sunday, January `14th, by Rev. B.F. McLendon, known all over the country as Cyclone Mack. This great evangelist is possibly known as the greatest evangelist in the United States with the exception of Billy Sunday and of late years his crowds have been almost as large as the noted Sunday congregations. Cyclone Mack has held meetings at Rockingham, Lincolnton and other points during the last fall and summer, and his crowds have been exceedingly large at each of these. It is safe to say that during the courses of the McLendon meetings, which begin at Badin Sunday, thousands of people will turn their faces towards the aluminum city on the Yadkin.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Monday, Jan. 15, 1923.

To learn more about Cyclone Mack, Rev. McLendon, see Cyclone Mac | rockinghammemories (

Why was Badin called the aluminum city? The Aluminum Company of America owned not just the plant but also the schools, homes and streets. To learn more about Badin, see Badin, North Carolina: The Town that Aluminum Built · DigitalNC.

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