Friday, January 13, 2023

In Elizabeth City Police Court, Jan. 13, 1923

In Police Court

Louis Hare, for abandonment and non-support of his wife, was taxed the costs when it appeared that he and his wife were reconciled and had agreed to live together, in police court Saturday.

S.J. Walson, negro undertaker, for failure to procure a burial permit, was fined $10 and costs. Walson claims that on information furnished him he thought the law in the case had been complied with.

LeRoy Bright, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk at night without light, was fined $1 and costs.

Dewey Seymour, for driving an automobile at night without rear light, was taxed with the costs.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., January 13, 1923

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