Thursday, January 5, 2023

Nathan Tucker, Kenneth Garrett, Dan Garrett Have Died, Jan. 5, 1922

Mr. Nathan Tucker Dead

News was received here Monday morning of the rather sudden death of Mr. Nathan Tucker, who died on Sunday night in Raleigh.

His remains were taken to Hertford for interment.

Mr. Tucker had been living in Plymouth for several years, having been proprietor of the Brinkley Hotel until quite recently when he retired form active business because of ill health.

He leaves a wife, one son and four daughters, besides a great number of friends to mourn his death.


Mr. K. Garrett Found Dead

Mr. Kenneth Garrett, probably one of the best known farmers of this county, was found dead in his bed in his home about four miles from here on Wednesday morning.

On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Garrett seemed to be in better health than usual. He retired at the usual hour and made no mention of feeling ill, and his death comes as quite a shock to his many friends.

Mr. Garrett enjoyed a host of friends in this section, whom we join in extending sincerest sympathy to the bereaved relatives.


Mr. Dan Garrett Dead

In the death of Mr. Dan Garrett, who died at his home here last Thursday night, one more is taken from the roster of Confederate veterans, and this number remaining in this county is very small.

Mr. Garrett had been in very bad health for many months and for the past year or so has been confined to his bed.

During his earlier life Mr. Garret was prominent in the development of this community, and among the older people his demise is felt more than among the younger generation, although his life work, especially that brief period from ’61 to ’65 is revered by all our people.

He was buried on Friday afternoon in the Latham grave yard about three miles from town, the Rev. W.G. Lowe pastor of the Methodist Church, conducting the ceremony.

The Roanoke Beacon, Plymouth, N.C., Friday, January 5, 1923

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