Monday, January 16, 2023

News from Ellen Fitzgerald Hospital, Jan. 16, 1923

Henry C. West Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. West are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son, Henry C. West Jr. Both mother and son are doing nicely at the Ellen Fitzgerald Hospital.


Ellen Fitzgerald Hospital News

Rev. K.W. Hogan of Monroe Route 7 was operated on Sunday by Dr. Burke and is doing nicely.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry West, a son yesterday morning.

Mr. Taffy Joseph is confined in the hospital with influenza.

Walter Arrington of Pageland, S.C., is receiving treatment for a broken leg, and tho’ suffering quite a lot, is doing as well as could be expected.

Mrs. Alma Pratt of Icemorlee, who has been very ill here for the last few weeks with pneumonia, expects to be able to return to her home and be out in a few days.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Jan. 16, 1923

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