Saturday, January 7, 2023

Simpkin Tragedy Brings Attention to Bill Proposed by State Insurance Commissioner, Jan. 7, 1923

Garage Tragedy Brings Out Bill. . . Proposed That Living Quarters Over Garage Buildings Be Prohibited

Brought sharply to the front by the disastrous fire that swept away Simpkins’ Garage and burned to death a mother, a child, a negro nurse, legislators who kept the weekend watch yesterday were turning their attention to a piece of legislation proposed by Stacy W. Wade, State Insurance Commissioner, which will prohibit the location of living apartments above garages.

The measure has not yet taken the form of a bill but in the absence of active legislation yesterday it received considerable attention.

The Senate stayed in session seven minutes yesterday, just long enough to suspend the rules and pass the house resolution inviting Governor Morrison to address a joint session in the Hall of the House Tuesday at noon. Not a single bill, public or local, was introduced and no committees were ready to report leaving the status of the calendar for the next session which will be held at 8 o’clock tomorrow night just what it was when the body first convened on Wednesday, despite the fact that all committees were appointed on Wednesday.

. . . .

From the front page of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, January 7, 1923.

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