Friday, May 19, 2023

Caldwell County Ranks 68th in Auto Ownership, Guilford First and Graham Last, May 19, 1923

Caldwell Ranks 68th in Automobile Ownership

Caldwell county has 1,060 automobiles registered, or one for every 19.8 persons in the county, according to the University News Letter, which has prepared a list of automobiles owned in each of the counties of the State. The list is prepared, it is believed, as of the first of the year. There are more cars in Caldwell today than at that time.

The first county on the list is Guilford, with 10,775 cars, and the lowest is Graham with 29 cars. In graham there are 169.4 persons to each car owned in the county. In Guilford there are 7.9 persons to each car owned.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, May 19, 1923

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