Saturday, May 20, 2023

Girls to Lead Vesper Services at Camp Whip-poor-will This Afternoon, May 209, 1923

A Vesper Service Sunday Afternoon. . . Girl Reserves to be in Charge of Service at Y.M.C.A. Camp Sunday

Vesper services will be held at Camp Whip-poor-will Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock, conducted by the girl reserves of the Durham high school. Sunday will be the anniversary of the birthday of the late Grace Headley Dodge, who gave so much of her time, effort and wealth for the establishment of the Y.W.C.A.

Automobiles will leave the association building Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock and it is expected that a large number of people from Durham will attend the service. Cars will be furnished for those who have no means of transportation.

The local observance will be one of thousands that will be staged in various sections of the nation.

From the local front of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, May 20, 1923

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