Monday, May 1, 2023

H. Clay Wood, Jones County Bootlegger, Sent to the Roads, May 1, 1923

Judge Connor Sentences Jones County Bootletter

New Bern, April 30—H. Clay Wood, Jones County white man in Federal Court for his second time as a defendant this week was given a sentence of 12 months in jail and ordered to pay a fine of $1,000 when found guilty of manufacturing whiskey for his second time as a defendant this week, was given a sentence of 12 months in jail and ordered to pay a fine of $1,000 when found guilty of manufacturing whiskey. Judge Henry G. Connor, who delivered the sentence, said that his only regret was that he couldn’t make the punishment severer.

Wood’s chances faded swiftly when a bevy of prohibition enforcement officers took the stand in rapid succession with details of the completeness of his mammoth manufactory near his Jones County home, and brought out evidence of his ownership of the outfit. His lawyer admitted the weakness of the case before the jury took it; nobody was surprised at the verdict.

The Jones County man’s first appearance on the distilling charge was some six years ago, and with his brother he paid fines totaling $10,500.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, May 1,1923

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