Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Three Deaths, Car Accident, Marriage, Other Personals, May 2, 1923

Three Deaths Occur at King. . . Automobile Goes Over Embankment and Bailey Owens is Hurt—Marriage of Young Couple—Personals

King, April 30—Mrs. Sarah Mitchell, aged 81 years, died at the home of her son, Mr. J. Wilson Mitchell, two miles west of town Friday afternoon. The remains were laid to rest at Dillard Saturday.

Mr. B.U. Newsum, aged 52 years, died in the Lawrence hospital at Winston-Salem Thursday from heart dropsy and bright’s disease. The remains were laid to rest at the Kinneman cemetery in Forsyth County.

Mr. John Linebach, aged 76 years, died at his home near Tobaccoville yesterday. The interment was conducted from Pleasant Hill church at 2:30 o’clock today.

Messrs. Bailey Owens and J. English of Pilot Mountain ran their car off an embankment west of here late Saturday night. Mr. Owens was thrown through the windshield, cutting some ugly gashes about his face. Dr. Stone dressed his wounds. Mr. English escaped unhurt.

Mr. Will Briggs and Miss Bertha Mabe were quietly married here Friday, Squire James R. Caudle officiated. Sheriff J. Frank Dunlap and deputy Walter Petree, of Danbury, captured a blockade distiller two miles west of town Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Rutledge, who reside on Pulliam street, are the glad recipients of a bouncing baby girl. The young lady arrived Saturday afternoon.

Miss Elizabeth Norman, who is teaching in the high school here, spent Sunday with her parents in Dobson. Mr. H.W. Newsum has purchased from Mr. J.E. Newsum a 1 ½ acre lot adjoining his home, consideration $175. Mr. James Culler of High Point spent Sunday with his family here.

Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Caudle of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with relatives near here.

Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Tuttle of Rural Hall spent Sunday with Mrs. Tuttle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Newsum in Walnut Hills.

Mr. James R. Bowen, Register of Deeds of Danbury, spent Sunday with friends here.

Mr. Fred E. Shore went to Winston-Salem on business today.

“Thunderbolt Tom”, the evangelist of this place, is holding a meeting at Bethel church near Meadows this week.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, May 2, 1923

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