Monday, May 1, 2023

W.E. Stubbs, H.A. Brown to Work at Planters Bank, May 1, 1923

Bank Employes Coming Here

Mr. W.E. Stubbs of Belhaven will arrive here next month to take up his duties as active vice president of the Planters Bank. Mr. Stubbs was formerly cashier of the Bank of Belhaven and has had much valuable experience in banking.

Mr. H.A. Brown, formerly assistant cashier of the People’s Bank and Trust Company of Selma, has accepted a position as bookkeeper at the Planters Bank in Wilson and will enter upon his duties the first of the month. Mr. Brown, who comes highly recommended, takes the position left vacant by the resignation of Mrs. John Gardner, who before her recent marriage was Miss Louise Curtis.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, May 1,1923

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