Monday, March 11, 2024

Mrs. Byfield Loses Suit Against Alleged Attacker, March 11, 1924


The above picture is Mrs. Byfield, the Atlanta beauty who sued young Candler for $100,000 for attacking her on board a steamer while sailing for France.

The suit ended today, young Candler was the victor.

Mrs. Byfield Losing Her Suit Leaves Courtroom Sobbing. . . Fails to Prove Charge Against Young Candler. . . Verdict Given Today. . . Sensational Proceedings in Decatur, Ga., come to Lose; Plaintiff Alleged She Was Attacked in her Room by Walter T. Candler on Steamshp While En Route to Europe

Decatur, Ga., March 10—The jury early today returned verdict for Walter T. Candler in the case growing out of $100,000 suit brought against him by Mrs. Clyde K. Byfield. Mrs. Byfield was led from the courthouse sobbing hysterically.

The case went to the jury early Saturday night following a three-day hearing. Saturday they reported they were unable to agree and asked to be discharged. The court ordered them locked up until early today. The recharge was at 8:17 today and after one hour the jury reached a verdict.

Mr. Byfield charged Candler with having attempted an attack on her in 192 (that was the date printed) while enroute to Europe on board the steamship Berangerla. Mrs. Candler was a member of the Chandler party, which included her husband. Evidence was introduced to show that Byfield on finding his wife and Candler together demanded payment by Candler of $25,000 for ruining his life, wife, and business.

Candler in denying the alleged attack said he gave Byfield a check for $25,000 to keep his mouth shut. He later paid Byfield $2,000 in cash and gave a note for $20,500 in exchange for the check and signed a statement exonerating Byfield. He said he did this under threat.

The jury, it was understood, stood 10 to 2 for a verdict in favor of the defendants Saturday night.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, Tuesday, March 11, 1924

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