Sunday, May 5, 2024

Albemarle High School Class Poem by Mary Davis, May 1, 1924

Class Poem

By Mary H. Davis, Class Poet

As we looked back o’er the pathway

By which we’ve reached our goal

There’s a word we must say dear classmates

that will touch and stir our souls.

We must part but there’s a memory—

Ah! a mem’ry of things gone by

That gives to this day a sadness

And a tear comes in our eye.

There are milestones one, two, three, four

That remind us of the years

Spent in hard and diligent labor,

Yet we leave them in bitter tears.

Green and “gourdy” is the first one

But the second will put you wise

For remember we were climbing

Up the hill and toward the skies.

Our Junior year passed gaily

The goal we could almost see;

Nine more months and the prize was ours

Or was, if we paid our fee.

As we Seniors wise and mighty

We reach now the top at last,

Though the road was steep and rugged

The time passed all too fast.

Our work is done, the time has come

We must give a parting hand.

It makes us sad, yet we are glad

For we’ve been a happy band.

Alma Mater, let thy spirit

Hover o’er us night and day,

Be our guide, our inspiration

As we go upon our way--

Make us true and ever faithful

Unto thee in years to come,

Ever set our hearts returning

To thee, Alma Mater and home.

From page 2 of The Midget, Albemarle High School, May 1, 1924

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