Saturday, May 18, 2024

Disaster Fund to Aid Sufferers of Bynum Tornado, Future Catastrophes, May 20, 1924

Disaster Fund Is Started in City. . . Red Cross Starts Fund to be Used in Disasters Such as Bynum Tornado

With all the people who were injured in the tornado of recent weeks near Bynum back on the scene of disaster, gradually the work of recovery from the damage wrought is being done. With one of the men still in a bad condition, the burden of providing for the victims has become all the more hard for the remaining male members of the two families to bear.

W.M. Blalock was a visitor in the city a few days ago at which time he secured bedding from the local chapter of the American Red Cross to be used by the victims of the disaster. They lost every earthly belonging they possessed and now have very little furniture. They are being cared for by people of the community, it is said, while those members of the family who are able to perform work of any kind are attempting to recuperate from the damage done.

Through the money derived last Saturday when one of the local cafes had its opening, a disaster relief fund has been started by the Red Cross. While the money now in the fund is small it is expected that it will be added to materially and that eventually it will be built up into a fund from which great good can be done in the event of disasters such as the Bynum catastrophe. Major M.B. Fowler is chairman of the Red Cross disaster committee. He is a good man for the job, it is pointed out, due to his military training and his natural ability. Should a disaster occur of sufficient gravity, the machine gunners could be called out to help in the work of relief and then Major Fowler would be exceptionally valuable.

From page 5 of the Durham Morning Herald, May 20, 1924

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