Saturday, May 4, 2024

Driving While Intoxicated Expensive for Leonard Hobbs, May 4, 1924

Auto Smash Here Costs Over $400. . . Leonard Hobbs Convicted of Driving Car While Invicted [Intoxicated]; Hits Store

For driving an automobile while intoxicated, Leonard Hobbs was fined $100 and the costs in recorders court Saturday. The total cost, however, for Hobbs’ wild escapade of several weeks ago, when he crashed into McKay’s Pharmacy on West Chapel Hill street, shattering a plate glass window, was $420. The court ordered Saturday that he pay the costs and damages to the pharmacy which were sustained when his car left the street at the intersection of Milton avenue and Chapel Hill street.

Four people were called Saturday morning for a violation of the sanitary code of the city, but none of them answered the call.

J.A. Ferrell was called to appear before the court to answer charges of passing worthless checks, but failed to appear.

Court adjourned shortly after convening, the Hobbs case being the only judgment handed down. Recorders court this week has been featured by a decrease in number of defendants. On Thursday not a single case was disposed of before Judge Graham.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, May 4, 1924

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