Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Fire Damage in Washington, May 7, 1924

Estimated Fire Loss at Washington Tuesday

Washington, May 7—The damage done by the two fires here early Tuesday morning, one oat 12:30 and the other at 2 o’clock, was as follows:

Telephone Equipment. Loss $20,000. No insurance.

Damage to Blount Building. $8,000. Covered by insurance.

Atwater’s Pharmacy. Loss, estimated by Mr. Atwater at $15,000; $7,500 insurance.

N.L. Sawyer, Pool Room. Loss $3,000. Insurance $500. Damage caused principally by water.

Dr. L.H. Swindell’s office. Equipment, books, instruments, etc. Loss $1,500; insurance $500.

C.G. Morris & Co., warehouse and contents. Loss $7,000. Amount of insurance unknown as Mr. Morris is out of city.

Manuel Bryant, residence, $500.

Tenement house, $100.

In the building adjoining the Blount Building, separated only by a wall, was the dry goods store of Paul and Gerrish on the first floor and Dr. J.T. Campbell, optician, on the second. Paul & Gerrish moved out their stock. They sustained only a slight loss by water. Dr. Campbell’s office was not disturbed.

Of course, the above loss is estimated. When a full and complete survey is made, it may exceed the above figures or it may not aggregate that amount.

This is the first blaze to visit the city since the Spencer Bros. store building was damaged last year.

Washington is prouder of its fire department today more than ever. They were on the job and never left it to the end. They are the stuff.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, May 7, 1924

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