Thursday, May 9, 2024

How to Select the Best Candidate, May 9, 1924

Selecting Candidates

Quite a number of candidates will come up for election for the various county offices this year. Our people will do well to proceed slowly in selecting their choice, for the very life and destiny of our county will be in the hands of the men who we elect to office. If you do not know the various men who are asking you to support them, it will be well to find out their qualifications before casting your vote.

The trouble with our State and county now is due to the indifferent voter who never finds out the fitness of the candidate who he votes for.

A candidate, by all means, should have made a success in managing his own business, for if he has not made a success himself he cannot be expected to do much for the county and State.

All county officers should know when and how to economize, but at the same time he should not economize when the best interest of his county is hampered by not knowing when and how to spend money.

Remember, no man will be able to manage the county’s business successfully when he has not made a success with his own affairs.

The great educational, health and good roads movement must go on in an orderly manner and no man who is against progress should be elected to an office. Especially is this true of our member of the legislature.

From the editorial page of the Norlina Headlight, Friday, May 9, 1924

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