Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Louis Sasser, 25, Killed at Work by Logging Train, May 8, 1924

Young Hallsboro Man Meets Horrible Death. . . Louis Sasser Crushed Under Logging Train of North Carolina Lumber Company Tuesday Morning; 25 Years Old

Louis Sasser, 25 years old and son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sasser of Hallsboro, met a horrible death Tuesday morning when his body was frightfully mangled in some manner under a logging train of the North Carolina Lumber Company, of which he was an employee at Hallsboro. An effort was made to rush him to a hospital in Wilmington, but he died before reaching there and the body was prepared for burial and brought back to Hallsboro that evening.

It seems that young Sasser was in the employ of the lumber company but not a part of the regular train crew. Something went wrong with the train and he was called upon for assistance. From reports reaching here, he was working under or in front of the engine or cars when they started, and he was badly crushed. It is reported that two members of the train crew were also injured, but this report has not been confirmed here.

From the front page of the Whiteville News-Reporter, May 8, 1924

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