Monday, May 13, 2024

McLean Opposes 8-Month Compulsory Public School Law, May 13, 1924

McLean Denies Ever Having Advocated 8-Month Compulsory School Law

Editor Public Ledger:

In Friday, May 9th, issue of your paper there appeared on page four under the caption “Do Your Own Political thinking,” signed by Bailey for Governor Committee, the following statement: “Mr. McLean advocates the eight months compulsory school law.” Mr. McLean has never made such a statement and has requested me to state that the same is false.

Mr. McLean has stated in several speeches over the stat that he would love to see the time come when the rural schools would be as good as the town and city schools, thereby affording the same advantages to the farmer’s children as that given the merchant’s, lawyer’s, and doctor’s who live in the towns and cities. He is, as everybody knows who have followed his utterances, opposed to any changes in the present form of state government which would in any way tend to increase the tax burden which he will, if elected Governor, do his utmost to relieve the people of. He is safe, sound, dependable and can be relied upon to direct the affairs of North Carolina with ability and fairness to every man, woman and child lying within its borders.

F.W. Hancock Jr, Local Manager

(Political Advertising)

Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, May 13, 1924

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