Monday, May 13, 2024

Remodeled Wells Drug Co. Reopens, May 13, 1924

Wells Drug Company Open for Business. . . Hundreds Attended Opening Last Saturday

The store room in the Odd Fellows building at the head of Main street, for many years occupied as a drug store, has been remodeled and renovated beyond recognition. It is now the home of the Wells Drug Company, and is one of the neatest drug stores in the State, with handsome fixtures throughout. Hundreds visited the formal opening last Saturday and many expressions of delight were heard on all sides.

Assisting Mr. Wells is Mr. O.P. Winstead of Nashville, who presides at the prescription desk; Messrs. T.L. Jackson and W.E. Eubank, Clerks. Mr. Winstead and his family are delightful additions to our town.

Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, May 13, 1924

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