Monday, July 22, 2024

Dewey Merriman in Martinsville Hospital After Car Accident, July 22, 1924

Car Struck Four Automobiles. . . One Man Seriously Hurt in Wreck Which Occurred on the Spray-Draper Road

Leaksville, July 21—A number of persons were injured, some seriously, when a large touring car driven by Dewey Merriman and said to be from Martinsville, Va., struck four other cars on the Spray-Draper road last night, overturning two.

Marshall Lawrence was the most seriously injured, one ear being cut off besides other injuries.

Merriman is held in jail at Reidsville. Lawrence was taken to a Martinsville hospital where it was said he might die.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, July 22, 1924

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