Mr. Heggie McNeill died Wednesday night of last week after an illness of several days’ confinement to bed. Though it was thought on Tuesday before that he was perhaps a little better, he soon became worse until the end about midnight. His death cast a gloom over the town and community. The years as a resident of North Wilkesboro, he became well and widely known and a beloved citizen, church member and business man, husband and father.
He has been for many years associated with the E.E. Eller Produce Company, for which he has been the book keeper.
The following facts of his life were read by his pastor, Rev. C.W. Robinson, who with Rev. W.L. Griggs of the First Baptist church, and Rev. R.H. Stone, Presbyterian minister of Jefferson, officiating at the funeral at the church of which congregation he was a member and a deacon since installed November, 1920, and was made one of the treasurers about a year ago.
He was one of a family of 14 brothers and sisters. William Heggie McNeill, son of Peter and Mary McNeill of Bever Creek, N.C., was born April 12th, 1879, died January 15h, 1925, age 45 years, nine months and three days. He was the 12th of 14 children, five girls and nine boys, seven of whom are still living: Mrs. Julia Absher of Mount Airy, N.C., Mrs. Laura Black of Jefferson, Mrs. Elizabeth Eller of North Wilkesboro, N.C.; and R.P. E.A. and W.E. McNeill of Jefferson and B.A. McNeill of California. William Heggie McNeil has been a member of the Presbyterian church for about 20 years, being one of the first Deacons of the Jefferson church.
In July, 1915 he was united in marriage to Miss Mollie Eller of North Wilkesboro. To this union five children were born, four of whom are living, Frances, Frank, Margaret and Edward. Robert preceded his father three years and three months.
Jefferson, N.C., Jan. 15—My dear Mr. Robinson: We are distressed over the mountain this morning because of the death of our friend and Brother—Mr. Wm. H. McNeill. He has a great many warm friends here who mourn his passing.
I’ve just looked up his early religious connections. He was received by baptism into the Jefferson church July 19th, 1900. This was, I judge, during a meeting held by the Rev. Dr. Robert F. Caldwell of Winston. The church was dedicated on July 15th, 1900, and organized on July 22, 1900, and it was on the date of organization that he was elected deacon. The record shows that his letter was granted to a church in South Boston, Va., on November 15, 1903.
With every good wish and expecting to see you tomorrow, I am,
Yours in HIS service, R.H. Stone
Many beautiful flowers were borne by the young people at the funeral and to the grave—a token of the love and esteem of his fellow church members and friends. The pall bearers were Messrs. J.L. Clements, Gordon Finley, E.G. Finley, J.B. McCoy, R.D. Greer and H.C. Landon.
From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925
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