The law office of H.A. Cranor is moved to the second floor of the J.T. Ferguson or Smithey brick building fronting court house.
Mrs. Chas. Foster, who was operated on at the Wilkes Hospital for appendicitis a few days ago, is expected to be able to return home Sunday.
Mr. P.E. Forester, U.S. Mail Clerk between Washington, D.C., and Charlotte, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Forester, returning yesterday.
Miss Madaline Call was elected by the school board of Wilkesboro Friday teacher of the second grade to fill the vacancy because of the resignation of Mrs. Miller last fall.
Mrs. Ida Green Hipp, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. F.L. Parks, at Roaring River, during the past year-end, is spending several days with relatives at Asheville before returning to New Haven, Conn., where her husband is a student at Yale College.
Mr. Cahoulas, Greek, and wife, who several months ago ran a candy kitchen here, and now reside in Newton, passed through last Thursday from Deep Gap and Watauga, where his wife had been called because of the slaying of her son, Mont Wellborn, December 25th in Watauga.
The U.S. agricultural census takers are daily visiting the farmers of Wilkes these days doubtless. The townships of Wilkesboro and Antioch are being taken by Mr. Mansfield Jarvis of Antioch and an efficient list taker. This work is going on throughout the county these days. The information should be given readily and accurately as possible by our farmers which no doubt is done however. The facts are confidential and the more accurate then the more useful to them, through the Department.
From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925
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