Saturday, January 4, 2025

Many of Immigrants Coming to U.S. Are Undesirable, Says Editor, Jan. 5, 1924

Checking Immigration

Congressman Johnson, chairman of the House committee on immigration, declares that more than a million person are “actually standing in line in cities of the world” to get passports to America.

When the new quota law became effective last July, Chairman Johnson says, applicants stood in line day and night for 10 days, while there wee enough Germans applying for passports to fill their quota for more than four years, enough Czecho-Slovakians for five years, and enough Italians for perhaps a dozen years.

Europe does not like the immigration law and the fact that it keeps back many undesirables is the chief reason. Europe, generally speaking, would like to see all of these people who are lined up for passports, sent to America. Naturally she wants to get rid of the undesirables and as American has been taking most of them for years, she cannot become accustomed to the new law.

And in addition, Europe wants the money these people would send back home after they landed in America. These foreigners come here, live like animals in many instances, and send all of their savings to poor relatives back home.

The new immigration law seems to have been passed just at the right time. However, another condition faces this country now in the matter of immigrants who are being “bootlegged” into the country.

A special agent of the government writes in the Washington Post that numbers of aliens of a most undesirable class are pouring into this country daily from Mexico. It is also known that many others are being smuggled in from Canada.

Every precaution should be taken to stop this traffic in huma lives, for practically every person smuggled into the country is an undesirable and we have enough of that kind already.

From the editorial page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, Jan. 5, 1925. ? B. Sherrill, Editor and Publisher; W.M. Sherrill, Associate Editor.

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