Monday, January 13, 2025

Posy Irving, 34, Shoots and Kills His Best Friend, Jan. 14, 1925

Mountaineer’s Debauch Ends in Fatal Shooting

Elkin, Jan. 13—Elisha Chambers, 35, was shot and instantly killed early last night by Posy Irving, 34, the homicide occurring at the home of Irving’s brother, L.D. Irving, in the Cherry Lane section of Alleghany county, it became known here today.

Chambers and Irving were the best of friends when not under the influence of whiskey and, it is understood, that they had for a long time dealt in moonshine liquor. Just the nature of the trouble which led to last night’s tragedy has not been learned, but it is reported that the entire bunch were ?? drunk, men and women.

The sheriff and deputy sheriff of Alleghany, who were summoned immediately by ?? rushed to the scene, but it is stated both refused to search the house in which it was thought a considerably quantity of liquor was secreted.

Irving, who fired the fatal shot, fled the scene before the arrival of the officers, who state that his coat and hat were in the house when they arrived. Chief of Police W.G.? Church of this place, was called about 2 o’clock this morning and given a description of Irving, but no one answering to his description has been seen here.

Both Irving and Chambers are married men, Irving and his wife having been separated for two years. Since that time he has made his home with his brother, the scene of last night’s tragedy.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, January 14, 1925

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