Monday, January 13, 2025

A.I. Mauney, 50, Found Shot to Death, Robbed, Jan. 13, 1925

Merchant Is Slain on Road. . . A.I. Mauney Found Near Charlotte With a Bullet Hole in the Back of His Head

Charlotte, Jan. 13—The body of A.I. Mauney, 50 years old Crouse, N.C., produce merchant, was found today lying on a lonely country road, four miles south of Charlotte with a bullet hole in the back of his head. The body had been robbed of all valuables.

A man named Fincher, who lived in the vicinity, found the body and reported the find to the rural police as he came to work in the city. The scene soon afterward. ?? No clues had been found by the police, it was said.

Mauney is said to have had about $70 in cash in his pockets, besides other valuables. He had been in Charlotte yesterday, according to the rural police, and had been drinking. Late yesterday he was locked up by the city police but was released shortly after midnight.

The road on which the body was found is a lonely one connecting the Park and Pineville roads. It is now under construction and has been finished for about one mile. It was near a bridge at the end of the completed section that the body was found.

Evidence that an automobile had been driven onto the bridge and then backed off was found. Tracks of two persons were found in the mud. Two pairs of horn-rimmed glasses and four or five pennies were found. There was 76 cents in change in his pocket.

From the front page of The Goldsboro News, January 14, 1925

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