By C.D. Williamson
Parkton, Jan. 17—A mass meeting of citizens held in J.C. Hall’s office last Monday night and business of much interest was discussed.
The K. of P. lodge after the regular meeting Monday night installed offices as follows: Prof. G.E. Parrott, chancellor commander; E.H. Gainel, vice chancellor; C.T. Williamson, prelate; R.B. Inmann, Master of work; D.T. McMillan, keeper of records and seals; L.M. Powell, master of finance; J.C. Hall, master of exchequer; N.A. McMillan, inner guard; W.W. Gainey, outer guard. W.A. China and Neill A. McMillan acted as grand deputy. After the installation of the lodge opened the rank of page and the following young men were given the first degree: K.A. Blue, G.C. Hughes Jr., Floyd Ferguson.
The lodge is only one year old and has 31 or 32 members and is in flourishing condition, but in need of a better hall.
There has been some changes in business in our town. Mr. J.B. McCormick, farmer and senior member of the Parkton Mercantile Co., has sold his interest in the company to Mr. J.Q. Parnell. The new firm, Parnell & Hughes, expects to do a rushing business. Am unable to give the names of the clerks as yet.
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. McCormick went to Linden Tuesday to visit his sick mother.
We have been advised that a road drag has been secured and the roads here being dragged. This will mean much for our township roads.
The boys basketball team of the local high school played Dana Saturday night at that place and lost 10 points. But some of the players were not able to go. Another disadvantage to our boys is we have no indoor court. This is a drawback.
Fayetteville has a tough fight for extension of the town limits, but I believe at last they have succeeded. You say Pierce mill and Poe’s bottom action was rotten. No, no. I say, their action will be forgotten.
From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, January 19, 1925.
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