Mr. Geo. Robinson spent his Christmas holidays at his home; while here he applied for a license to practice law and has now returned to the University to complete his work.
Miss Sara Yost has returned to Winston-Salem after spending the holidays with Prof. and Mrs. Yost.
Miss Kathleen Blackstock has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock spent the holidays in Florida visiting their daughter, Mrs. Sig Nelson, a Weaver College graduate.
Mr. Wm. Shope has returned to college after spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shope.
Mr. Stephen Presson has been detained by illness from returning to Weaver College.
Miss Hays and Miss Tarbin, teachers in the public school, are back for the spring term and are residing with Mrs. Bede Weaver.
Miss Bass of the Weaver High School is back and living with Miss Sue Dillingham.
Miss Mary Naw of Pittsburgh is the guest of Mrs. Bede Weaver.
Mr. Sandis Softan visited his parents during the Christmas holidays.
Miss Mary Williams, a Weaver College alumna, is in the French Broad Hospital convalescing from a serious illness.
Mrs. Wm. Reagan is ill at the Mission Hospital.
Two former Weaver College students arrived during the holidays: Ernest Reagan Jr. and Melvin Tillson Jr.
The Epworth League of the First Methodist Church gave a New Year Eve party at the church.
Miss Blanche Burris, the guest of her parents for Christmas, has returned to Greensboro College for Women, where she will graduate in June, receiving both A.B. and B.M. degrees.
John Mayo is missed a great deal by the members of the student body who know him. We wish him a great success in his work at the University of Virginia.
Mary Ellen Powell’s sister, Margaret Powell, has been added to the student body.
Steve Presson, who was detained from school a few days on account of illness, is back to begin his work.
Jerome Gonzalez has returned to his home in Cuba.
Mrs. Carden has been added to the faculty. She has taken the work which Dr. Briley had before Christmas. We welcome Mrs. Carden because of her efficiency and pleasing personality.
Our Librarian, Margaret Roberts, has gone to Philadelphia. Euna Dean Allison now has been authorized as librarian, and we hope to give her our hearty cooperation.
Miss Louise Williams, a graduate of Weaver College class of ’24, spent a few days here on her way back to the University of North Carolina.
William Stack has gone to Baltimore to continue his business course.
From page 5 of The Weaver Pep, January 1925 issue, Weaverville, N.C.
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