--Miss Pauline Herring and Mr. Cap Reeves of West Lumberton went Saturday to Dillon, S.C., where they were united in marriage.
--Mrs. Johnnie L. McNeill, chairman of the committee in charge of the sale of Tuberculosis seals, states that the total sales during the holidays amounted to $145.76.
--The Lumberton high school boys basketball team won an interesting game from the Parkton boys on the local court Tuesday night The girls lost to the Parkton girls.
--Mr. J.H. Teague left yesterday for Charlotte where he will attend today and tonight a meeting of the managers of Efird’s department stores in the two Carolinas.
--There will be a meeting of the T.E.L. class of the First Baptist church tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. T.L. Johnson, Elm street. A full attendance is desired as this is the first meeting of the year.
--The condition of Mr. E.W. Cain, who underwent an operation at the Baker sanatorium Thursday night for appendicitis, is improving. Messrs. E.F. Cain and H.J. Owens of Roseboro spent Saturday here at Mr. Cain’s home.
--The condition of Mr. Neal Alford of Maxton, who has been undergoing special treatment at the Baker sanatorium is very much improved. Mrs. R.W. Powers of Ten Mile section, who underwent a serious operation at the Sanatorium Friday, is also improving.
--Mr. and Mrs. A.E. White were among those leaving from here Saturday for points in Texas where they will spend several days investigating the new development about which many Robeson county citizens have recently become interested. They will return via Florida where they will spend several weeks before returning to Lumberton.
--There will be something doing every Friday night at the new high school auditorium, according to Superintendent W.B. Crumpton. Parents of pupils in the graded and high school, and others interested in the growth of the school are cordially invited to be at the auditorium these nights, and assist in carrying out exercises, which will be games, and other forms of amusement.
--The condition of Mr. Roy Sealy, who was brutally assaulted several nights ago at his filling station near town, is very much improved, according to reports from the Baker sanatorium, where he has been a patient since he was assaulted.
--Mr. M.D. Somerset, who has suffered slight complication since he fell from the 4th story of the new Planters Bank building several weeks ago, is doing nicely.
--Mr. Oscar Israel returned Thursday from Baltimore, New York and Boston, where he spent several weeks. He spent 1q0 days in Baltimore with Mrs. Israel, who underwent a serious operation at a hospital there, and whose condition is very much improved. Mr. Israel spent several days in the other cities buying spring footwear for his Guarantee shoe store here.
--The weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis club at the Lorraine last Tuesday was enlivened by solos by Mrs. Rudolph of Chicago, and a duet by Mrs. Randolph and Mr. E.W. Bunham. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph, the latter a traveling salesman, are making headquarters at the hotel. Visitors were Mr. E.T. Best of Wilmington with Mr. J.J. Lampley, and Mr. W.L. Herley, master mechanic of the V. and C.S. railroad, with Mr. J.Q. Beekwith. Only a few members were present.
From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, January 19, 1925.
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