Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Avery Johnson's Daughter Killed, Wife Burned When Kerosene Explodes, Nov. 9, 1921

One Killed Another Hurt

The small daughter of Avery Johnson, a colored man who lives on the farm of Mr. H.H. Walston three miles from Wilson, was fatally burned and her mother was seriously hurt yesterday when a can of kerosene oil exploded in the kitchen of the Johnson home. The child died about an hour after the accident. The mother’s condition is regarded as serious.

The colored woman attempted to move a can of oil which was near the hot kitchen stove. Probably a small portion of the oil struck the stove. At any rate the can of oil exploded, burning the woman and her little girl frightfully.

The kitchen caught fire from the explosion and was badly damaged. However, the blaze was confined to the kitchen, being extinguished before it could spread.

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1921

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