Sunday, November 7, 2021

Catawba County Boys, Girls Win Thousands in Prizes for Poultry, Nov. 7, 1921

Catawba Birds Won Thousands in Prizes

Newton, Nov. 7—Mr. J.W. Hedricks, county agricultural agent, has just returned from eastern North Carolina where he had an exhibited a poultry belong to the poultry boys and girls of Catawba County. This exhibit consisted of 160 birds, representing 22 of the most popular breeds. These birds were shown at Kinston, Raleigh and Wilson and in each case some of the birds were shown in open class against regular poultry professionals, while a majority of the birds were shown in boys’ and girls’ club class. The total number of prizes being 240 firsts, and 215 seconds, with a value of $650. This exhibit was financed by the Newton Kiwanis Club, the Hickory Kiwanis Club, Hickory Rotary Club, the Hickory Merchants’ Association, Hickory Chamber of Commerce, the County Commissioners, the Shuford National Bank, Newton, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Newton, Citizens’ Bank Cover, First National Bank, Hickory and the Catawba Creamery, Hickory.

Those who financed this exhibit are to be congratulated for their efforts. This will enable all of the winnings to be paid to the boys and girls furnishing the birds. Mr. Hendricks also states that the boys and girls of Catawba County also won $300 at the Hickory fair, making the total of about $1,000. This will be a great inspiration for another year’s work, not only have the boys and girls been repaid for their efforts but it has been a big advertisement for Catawba County over the entire state. This exhibit has been very educational for the people of the eastern part of North Carolina, and it has given them a chance to see what Catawba County is really doing along the lines of pure bred poultry. We feel safe in saying that this exhibit has convinced many people that Catawba is the leading poultry county of the state.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 7, 1921. Wouldn’t it have been nice to see the names of the children who won?

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