Sunday, November 14, 2021

Hickory Country Club Organizing, Nov. 14, 1921

Organize Country Club Here Tonight

With nearly $30,000 pledged, the promoters of the Hickory Country Club will meet in the Shuford Mill office tonight for the purpose of organizing and preparing for construction of the club house and links on the farm bought for the club two miles north of the city.

A golf architect has been employed already and it is expected that with the perfection of the organization, work will be started at once on the club house. The site overlooks the Catawba River and has a fine view of the mountains.

Hickory business and professional men are enthusiastic for the country club, and it is believed that it will help to make this city more attractive as a place of residence not only for those who live here now, but for others who will come here in the future.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Nov. 14, 1921

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